
From left to right: Splendid Fairy Wren. Butterfly Orchid Caledenia lobata. Bennet's Wallaby. Kangaroo Paw Anigothanthus mangelsii

what i do

As an amateur naturalist I use my recording and photography equipment to collect  images and sounds which teach me something of the natural history of the creatures under observation. The songs and/or calls that are heard, once understood, can identify species and inform the experienced listener of behaviour even when the subject cannot be seen.

My collections of sounds and photographs are available to others and recordings have been used by theatre, AV consultants, wildlife trusts and publishers of sound collections such as the British Library as well as  private individuals. My photographs have been used to illustrate magazine articles and many appear in my own publication entitled “Sea to Summit” a book accompanied by an audio CD of Scottish soundscapes, the latter aimed at folk for whom visual impairment can detract from enjoyment of the pictures in the book.

I much enjoy presenting illustrated talks using my images and sound recordings and have done this all over Scotland and even in Western Australia! Camera Clubs, Bird Clubs and Community groups have all expressed enjoyment in these shared moments. My presentations include a number from Scotland and others from Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand. I am available, by invitation, to give such talks.

The images above are from Western Australia and Tasmania.

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